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This is the twelfth in a series of posts regarding installing BI Apps on Oracle Linux 7.2. For your reference, here is a list of URLs for each of the posts that make up this series:

In this post, I will be discussing how to run the configuration script ( for OBIEE silently (i.e. without a GUI).

General Assumptions and Conventions Used

I will assume that readers of this blog have read the prior blog entries in this series before continuing. Furthermore, I will assume that Oracle Real-Time Decisions (RTD) and Essbase are not required in this environment. If you wish to install RTD or Essbase, it is easy to do via a simple change to the response file. However, installing these applications falls outside of the scope of this blog series.


Configuring a response file

In order to configure OBIEE from the command line without a GUI, you will need a response file (similar to OBIEE). I have generated a response file called configureOBIEE.rsp and have posted it on my GitHub account. For the purposes of this blog series, we will download this file and store it in /u01/sw/scripts. This particular response file has already been altered to suite the installation detailed by this blog series. If you want to choose different installation paths or enter different values, the response file does contain documentation to help you do that. However, please note that this blog series will assume that the file is used as is.

There are many parameters in this response file that you may want to change and tweak. Here are some of the more important parameters and the values that I have set them to:

DOMAIN_HOSTNAME=ol72bia1111102 ADMIN_USER_NAME=weblogic ADMIN_PASSWORD=welcome1 ADMIN_CONFIRM_PASSWORD=welcome1 MW_HOME=/u01/app/obia11g/product/11.1.1/mwhome_1 WEBLOGIC_HOME=/u01/app/obia11g/product/11.1.1/mwhome_1/wlserver_10.3 INSTANCE_HOME=/u01/app/obia11g/product/11.1.1/mwhome_1/instances/instance1 INSTANCE_NAME=instance1 DOMAIN_HOME_PATH=/u01/app/obia11g/product/11.1.1/mwhome_1/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING_BI= DATABASE_SCHEMA_USER_NAME_BI=fmw_biplatform DATABASE_SCHEMA_PASSWORD_BI=fmw4DB DATABASE_TYPE_BI=Oracle Database DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING_MDS= DATABASE_SCHEMA_USER_NAME_MDS=fmw_MDS DATABASE_SCHEMA_PASSWORD_MDS=fmw4DB DATABASE_TYPE_MDS=Oracle Database CONFIGURE_BI=true CONFIGURE_BIP=true CONFIGURE_RTD=false CONFIGURE_ESSBASE_SUITE=false

Also, here is a screenshot of a portion of the response file:

One thing I wanted to point out was the ADMIN_USER_NAME and ADMIN_PASSWORD values. I opted to set them to 'welcome1' which is the default in many installation guides. Feel free to change this, however I would encourage you not to get too creative with special characters in the password. The reason I say this is because some special characters, notably '$', have been known to cause issues (see Oracle Doc ID 2183353.1 as an example)

Running the OBIEE configuration script (

Now that we have created/downloaded the response file to /u01/sw/scripts, we can proceed with the execution of the OBIEE configuration script. In order to do so, issue the following commands from the terminal:

$ cd $MW_HOME/Oracle_BI1/bin $ ./ -silent -invPtrLoc /u01/app/oraInventory/oraInst.loc -response /u01/sw/scripts/configureOBIEE.rsp -jreLoc $JAVA_HOME -logLevel finest -debug -printdiskusage -printmemory -printtime

Here is a screenshot of a portion of the output of this command:

If the configuration is successful, you will see a line towards the end of the output that says that the configuration of Oracle Business Intelligence Shiphome, Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Shiphome has been completed successfully.


In this blog entry, we configured OBIEE for use with OBIA Furthermore, we only selected the BI and BIP components, and did not elect to install RTD or Essbase.

Looking ahead

In my next blog entry, I will show how to run the configuration script for OBIA.

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