This is the seventh in a series of posts regarding installing BI Apps on Oracle Linux 7.2. For your reference, here is a list of URLs which comprise each of the posts in this series:
OBIA installation on Oracle Linux 7.2 - Installation - OBIEE OBIA installation on Oracle Linux 7.2 - Installation - ODI OBIA installation on Oracle Linux 7.2 - Installation - OPatch OBIA installation on Oracle Linux 7.2 - Installation - OBIA RCU OBIA installation on Oracle Linux 7.2 - Installation - OBIA OBIA installation on Oracle Linux 7.2 - Configuration - OBIEE OBIA installation on Oracle Linux 7.2 - Configuration - OBIA OBIA installation on Oracle Linux 7.2 - Finalizing / Wrap-up
In this post, I will be discussing how to install OBIEE in software-only mode without a GUI.
General Assumptions and Conventions Used
I will assume that readers of this blog have read the prior blog entries in this series before continuing. Specifically, I will assume that the five OBIEE zip files (,,,, have been downloaded from eDelivery and placed in /u01/sw/obiee, and Java and WebLogic have already been installed.
From a high level, the approach outlined by this blog will accomplish the following:
Unzip the five OBIEE zip files to a temporary working directory ($TMP/bieeinst)
Configure a response file to automate the OBIEE installation (/u01/sw/scripts/obiee11119Install.rsp)
Install OBIEE in the Middleware Home that was created in a previous blog entry ($MW_HOME)
Remove the temporary working directory
Please note that $TMP and $MW_HOME are environment variables that were established in an earlier blog entry in this series.
Unzipping the installation files
The first step is to unzip the OBIEE installation zip files to a temporary location. The temporary location we will use is $TMP/bieeinst. Please issue the following commands from the terminal in order to create this temporary directory and unzip the files there:
$ umask 027
$ mkdir -p $TMP/bieeinst
$ cd /u01/sw/obiee
$ unzip -q '*.zip' -d $TMP/bieeinst
Please note that these zip files are quite large (totalling about 8.2GB) and so it may take some time to complete this.
Configuring a response file
In order to install OBIEE from the command line, you will need a response file. Response files, for those of you who don't know, are essentially text files that contain parameters for use by the installation. You can generate a response file by running through the OBIEE installation in GUI mode and then at the end, electing to generate the response file.
I have generated a response file called obiee11119Install.rsp and have posted it on my GitHub account. I generated this response file from one of my OBIEE installations. For the purposes of this blog series, we will download this file and store it in /u01/sw/scripts.
This particular response file has already been altered to suite the installation detailed by this blog series. If you want to choose different installation paths or enter different values, the response file does contain documentation to help you do that. However, please note that this blog series will assume that the file is used as is.
Quite frankly, there's not really much you would want to change in this response file. Most of the variables need to remain as is in order for subsequent portions of the OBIA installation to work correctly. However, if you wanted to use different paths, you should look at changing the following parameters in the file: MW_HOME, APPSERVER_LOCATION (both of which should be set to the same path) and ORACLE_HOME which will point to the spot where the OBIEE binaries are installed (and is usually $MW_HOME/Oracle_BI1). Here are the parameter settings I used:
ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/obia11g/product/11.1.1/mwhome_1/Oracle_BI1 MW_HOME=/u01/app/obia11g/product/11.1.1/mwhome_1 APPSERVER_LOCATION=/u01/app/obia11g/product/11.1.1/mwhome_1
Here is a screenshot of the relevant portion of the response file:

Running the installer
Now that the installation files have been unzipped and the response file created/downloaded, we are now able to launch the installer. In order to do so, please issue the following commands from the terminal:
$ cd $TMP/bieeinst/bishiphome/Disk1
$ umask 027
$ ./runInstaller -silent -response /u01/sw/scripts/obiee11119Install.rsp -invPtrLoc /u01/app/oraInventory/oraInst.loc -printtime -waitforcompletion
This process will take several minutes to complete. When done, the output to the terminal should resemble the following:

A line towards the bottom of the output that will indicate that "Oracle Business Intelligence Shiphome completed successfully" if the installation was indeed successful.
Removing the temporary installation folder.
Now that the OBIEE installation has completed successfully, it is safe to remove the temporary installation files. It is not necessary to do this, and in fact, if you are not limited by hard disk capacity, you may want to consider keeping them or moving them to a different directory. However, I like to "clean up" when I'm done with an installation, and so I will remove these temporary files in this blog. In order to remove these files, simply issue the following command from the terminal:
$ rm -rf $TMP/bieeinst
In this entry of my OBIA blog series, we went through how to install OBIEE in software-only mode from the command line (without a GUI).
Looking ahead
In my next blog entry, I will show how to install ODI in software-only mode from the command line.